duumvir|duumviri|duumvirs in English


one of two officers in ancient Rome who exercised jointly the duties of a public office

Use "duumvir|duumviri|duumvirs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "duumvir|duumviri|duumvirs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "duumvir|duumviri|duumvirs", or refer to the context using the word "duumvir|duumviri|duumvirs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Through the study of archaeological evidence from Pompeii we can learn that Benefactions were not optional, but required of a duumvir, during time in office

2. It was governed by two duumviri who served as municipal judges, two aediles, who advocated compliance with the laws and market rights, a quaestor, who managed the city treasury, and a 100-member city council.

3. The text deals with the competencies of duumviri, aediles and quaestores, regulates the decurional order, manumission and the appointment of guardians, the relations between patronus and cliens, the acquisition of Roman civil rights by magistrates and public affairs, including the funding of cults, priesthoods, rituals, calendar and games, which were considered a religious matter.

4. The following shall be the rate of pay for such persons as are Apparitors to the duumvirs: for each clerk 1,200 sesterces, for each aide 700 sesterces, for each lictor 6oo sesterces, for each summoner 400 sesterces, for each copyist 300 sesterces, for each soothsayer 500 sesterces, for a crier 300 sesterces; for persons serving the aediles the